What Is Thankgiving?

We will celebrate Thanksgiving Day on Thursday, November 25. On  this day, we will feast upon good food and routinely lift up a prayer to God thanking Him for all that He has given to us. Are you familiar with the history of Thanksgiving Day as an annual observance in our country?

  In 1789, George Washington our first president, appointed our new country's first official day of Thanksgiving, Thursday, November 26th. Celebration of such a day was sporadic until 1864, during the administration of Abraham Lincoln, when the idea of a regular national Thanksgiving holiday was inaugurated.  Each president since, has followed Lincoln's example and confirmed that day as a day of national thanksgiving.

  But, Thanksgiving is more than a day of national observance. It is an attitude of deepest appreciation in the heart for all that God has done.  In his book, Through Discipline to Joy, Luther J. Thompson puts it into perspective for us.  A magazine publisher asked a number of prominent people all over the world what they wanted most.  An architect wished for a garden and a greenhouse.  A noted writer said, "Give me my health and I'll be content."  A well known politician desired a little Vermont farm with a brook and an apple orchard.  A prominent lawyer desired an uninterrupted day with his grandchildren.  One man replied, "I would ask to be given an ever greater ability to appreciate all that I now have."

  All of us need to learn to have an ever greater ability to appreciate what we now have.   Happy Thanksgiving!

                                                           From the pen of Pastor Marty
                                                            of Avondale Baptist Church,
                                                                     Macon, GA

Countdown Clocks, Thanksgiving Countdowns at WishAFriend.com