Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Patience & Urgency

MLM success often seems to be a mix of patience and urgency. When you know you've made the correct long-term choices, then you can be patient. BUT - now you have to act with great urgency. Your team has got to see good things happening, or they will head off on their merry way, looking for greener pastures. You have to immerse them on belief.

Give them every chance to not believe. You have to know this sooner rather than later. Once you believe in their belief, then talk about patience ... the need to plan long-term. And finally. Tell them to act with urgency.

It seems natural to think we have all the time in the world. And that thought lets us wander down some interesting side streets, rather than making a beeline for our goal ... which is the real reason 19 out of 20 people fail to achieve what they want in life. To get what you want, you have to know exactly what it is - and then act with urgency to achieve it.

You have to act like you have very limited time. The only plan that works is a very, very tight focus on your fondest desire.. Once you achieve that goal, you can go ahead and wander the back roads if you want. But first, focus only on your goal until you have it.

Let's bring this all together. First yourself have to walk the talk. People need to see you as the role model for "patient urgency." We all have many years of bad habits to overcome. The greatest urgency for your MLM future is to change these habits. Identify the worst of the lot, and map out a plan to replace them. Start NOW.

Maybe the most helpful tool you'll find is the book "The Slight Edge", by Jeff Olson. You learn to make little changes that combine to make a big difference. You can spend just 2 or 3 minutes a day, if you do it consistently every day, and over time, it will change your life. And the biggest change you can focus on is ... getting more urgency into pursuing your MLM opportunity. That's where you'll get the biggest, fastest payback from.

Success in 10 Steps
Be A Mentor With A Servant's Heart
478-738-0349 (Anytime)